NewsTalk sources
These are the sources NewsTalk currently collects from. We are always looking to add more sources, so if you have a suggestion, please let us know.

ABC News does not support reader comments but NewsTalk harvests ABC News when we find linked comments on Reddit.

Australian Community Media is a publisher of regional websites and newspapers. ACM's daily newspapers such as The Canberra Times, support comments.

The Conversation is a news and opinion site that publishes articles by academics and researchers. In November 2024, on-site comments were removed entirely.

Crikey is an independent subscription news site that publishes news and opinion, commonly with a political focus. Crikey opens comments on all stories indefinitely.

Daily Mail Australia is the Australian edition of the UK tabloid newspaper.

The Guardian is a print newspaper and news site that is published in the UK, US and Australia.

Independent Australia is an online subscription journal that aims to support "freedom and justice for individuals, and getting to the truth".

iTnews is an information technology publication produced by Next Media for the business market that provides accurate, up-to-the-minute news, analysis and research".

MSN News is a site that aggregates news stories from a variety of sources. MSN supports reader comments on all news stories. This allows us to collect comments on stories published by media outlets that don't support comments. is a free-to-read news site published by Nationwide News, with stories taken from Nationwide's multiple subscription based news sites. doees not support reader comments.

Nine Media operates print and online subscription news sites nation wide including: The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Brisbane Times and WA Today. Nine withdrew onsite comments in early 2024.

Perth Now is a Seven West Media online news and entertainment website which aims to be "Western Australia’s top news and entertainment website".

Quadrant is a conservative opinion site that publishes articles on politics, culture and society.

The Riotact is a Canberra news and opinion site published by the Region Group. The Riotact was established in late 2000 and supports on-site comments.

The Saturday Paper is a weekly online newspaper published by Schwartz Media that "publishes key accounts of the week’s most pressing stories".

SBS News is the news division of the Special Broadcasting Service, a public broadcaster devoted multicultural audiences. SBS doesn't support on-site reader comments.

Sky News Australia is the web counterpart to the Sky News TV channel. NewsTalk currently harvests from articles and not video content (which does not support on-site comments).